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The Functional Medicine Approach to Diverticulitis
Research shows that antibiotics are not necessary for most cases of diverticulitis. It's time for a functional medicine approach!
The COVID-Gut Connection
From the beginning, I have maintained that the best defense against COVID-19 is an optimally functioning immune system. Nothing has...
Finding the Perfect Diet for YOUR Gut 2
The most nutritionally INCLUSIVE diet is the best diet!
Finding the Perfect Diet to Start Healing YOUR Gut 1
First in a series to help you find the diet that fits your gut issues now and then works overcome intolerances and sensitivities.
Is your gut microbiome a key factor in your health and longevity?
Today, I searched PubMed for new articles relating to the gut microbiome and found 22,197 journal articles on the topic published since 2015
Your Microbiome during pregnancy: Crucial for your health and your baby's!
Your Microbiome during pregnancy: Crucial for your health and your baby's!
Probiotics for Protection Against Viruses?
Is there a way to enhance my body's natural defense against viruses? Yes! A high quality probiotic may be just what your body needs.
Can Probiotics Help Cool Down Seasonal Allergies?
The topic of focus is the role of probiotics--can they help with hay fever type problems? A look into the research says YES!
Gluten Sensitivity: Is it Dysbiosis?
Is it Gluten? Or could it just be your messed up gut microbiome??? There is so much hype about gluten. Some say that humans should NEVER...
A Balanced Microbiome
As you know, balance in your life is so important--and so rare. It's now been several months since the turn of the new year, and many are...
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