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Finding the Perfect Diet for YOUR Gut 2
The most nutritionally INCLUSIVE diet is the best diet!
Finding the Perfect Diet to Start Healing YOUR Gut 1
First in a series to help you find the diet that fits your gut issues now and then works overcome intolerances and sensitivities.
Is There a Silver Lining in This Covid-19 Cloud?
Covid-19 may awaken the world to the need for Functional Medicine.
Keys to Preventing and Treating the Coronavirus
With the right "key" to fit the virus's "lock," it's ability to replicate can be shut down.
The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly of Covid-19
NOW is the time to act if you want to prepare your immune system for the coming surge!
Comparing COVID-19 with Other Common Viral Infections
How do I tell the difference between a common cold, the flu, allergies, and COVID-19? Here's are some ways to help do that.
Recommendations for Defense Against Viruses
"We’re not just fighting an epidemic; we’re fighting an ‘INFODEMIC’…"
Antiviral Mushrooms?!
Lots of talk these days about viruses and what to do to protect yourself. Well, the many times the best offense is a good defense...
Is Detox for Quacks?
As we start off 2020 with an emphasis on Detox, I am reminded by my mainstream medicine colleagues that detox-ing is considered quackish...
Get those Stem Cells Going!
Summary of the latest research showing what you can do today to start promoting your body's own stem cells.
A Balanced Microbiome
As you know, balance in your life is so important--and so rare. It's now been several months since the turn of the new year, and many are...
Gut Link: SIBO and Vascular Disease
The fascinating association between dysbiosis and vitamin K2, and how this influences the health of your blood vessels. Could a messed-up...
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